Affordable Housing Articles

4-Story, 86-Unit Affordable Housing Project Faces Anaheim Planning Commission

KTGY ArchitectureNext week, the Anaheim Planning Commission will consider a proposal to construct an affordable housing project located at 110 West Midway Drive. The proposed project by National CORE would include the demolition of all existing structures on the...

Draft Environmental Impact Report Released for the Century Villages at Cabrillo Expansion Project in Long Beach

City of Long BeachToday, the City of Long Beach announced the completion of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Century Villages at Cabrillo Specific Plan located within a portion of the former United States Naval housing facility at 2001 River Avenue....

Affordable Senior Housing Complex Faces Placentia Planning Commission

RRM Design Group Today, The City of Placentia Planning Commission will consider a proposal to develop a 64-unit affordable senior apartment complex located at the Northeast corner of North Angelina Drive and Morse Avenue. The project, proposed by National CORE, would...

71-Unit Affordable Housing Complex Heads to Lake Forest Planning Commission

RRM Design Group A proposal to develop a three-story, 71-unit affordable housing complex in the southern portion of the City of Lake Forest heads to the City’s Planning Commission on July 23rd.  The Mountain View Affordable Housing Community, proposed by National...