Grover Beach City Council Approves Mixed-Use Hotel & Residential Project

by | Sep 1, 2020 | San Luis Obispo County

  • @UpzoneSoCal
  • @UpzoneSoCal

Ram Krupa Real Estate, LLC

Last week, the Grover Beach City Council approved a mixed-use hotel and residential project located on a 7.3-acre site in the Northeast corner of the City.

Ram Krupa Real Estate, LLC, the project applicant, proposes the development of two similarly-sized hotels and seven single-family residences. One hotel would be four stories, contain 91 rooms, and total 50,995 square feet, the other would be four stories, 85 rooms, and total 56,650 square feet. Each hotel would have an outdoor swimming pool and would share 181 parking spaces and five motorcycle spaces across three parking areas. The single-family homes would be constructed along the southern side of the site, separated by a parking lot from ‘Hotel B.’

  • @UpzoneSoCal
  • @UpzoneSoCal

Ram Krupa Real Estate, LLC

The project would preserve and enhance 1.5 acres of open space adjacent to Meadow Creek on the north side of the site. Along the western border of the site, the applicant proposes a 35-foot wide landscape buffer area to separate the site from the adjacent residences. The project would also preserve 20 Coast Live Oak Trees between the two hotels, in exchange for removing 21 native trees for the hotel construction. The existing single-lane bridge will be replaced with a two-lane replacement bridge going over Meadow Creek to serve as the project entryway.

As part of the proposal, Ram Krupa is requesting an ordinance to create a zone change to add a Planned Development Overlay to modify development standards in exchange for the preservation of open space. The applicant is also seeking a Vesting Tentative Parcel Map, and a Use Permit and Development Permit to build in a Retail Commercial (RC) zone.

  • @UpzoneSoCal
  • @UpzoneSoCal

Ram Krupa Real Estate, LLC

The project is expected to be completed in two phases. The first phase will consist of the grading and construction of Hotel B and the residential homes, and the second phase will consist of the grading and construction of Hotel A.