Draft Environmental Impact Report Released for the Century Villages at Cabrillo Expansion Project in Long Beach

by | Jun 17, 2021 | Los Angeles County

  • @UpzoneSoCal
  • @UpzoneSoCal

City of Long Beach

Today, the City of Long Beach announced the completion of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the Century Villages at Cabrillo Specific Plan located within a portion of the former United States Naval housing facility at 2001 River Avenue.

Over the next 10 years, Century Housing Corporation (project applicant) is seeking to redevelop portions of the plan area with affordable housing units, commercial uses, and community amenities.

Implementation of the Specific Plan involves the demolition of 235 dwelling units, 10,030 square feet of amenities, 10,200 square feet of educational uses, 7,250 square feet of administrative and support services, and removal of 153 parking spaces.

  • @UpzoneSoCal
  • @UpzoneSoCal

City Fabrick

New development under the Specific Plan will include 750 affordable dwelling units, 77,000 square feet of amenities, 15,000 square feet of educational uses, 17,000 square feet of commercial/retail uses, 48,000 square feet of administrative and supportive services, and 518 parking spaces.

The existing and proposed buildings will range between 15 and 80 feet in height and will be arranged around a series of outdoor spaces and community amenities.

Total buildout under the Specific Plan will result in 1,380 affordable housing units, 79,350 square feet of amenities, 15,000 square feet of educational uses, 22,850 square feet of commercial/retail uses, 67,050 square feet of administrative and supportive services, and 877 parking spaces.

Construction is expected to start in 2023.