Developer Seeks to Amend Renaissance Ranch Specific Plan in Riverside

by | Mar 16, 2021 | Riverside County

  • @UpzoneSoCal
  • @UpzoneSoCal

Riverside County

Last week, the Riverside County Planning Department announced it is preparing a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for a proposed business park and light industrial use development located just east of Horsethief Canyon Park and about 10 miles northwest of Lake Elsinore along Interstate 15.

The project applicant, Richland Communities, proposes to amend the current Renaissance Ranch Specific Plan (RRSP) to allow for the future development of 18 acres of Business Park uses, 97.2 acres of light industrial uses, 11.5 acres of open space, 27.1 acres of conservation habitat open space, and 3.3 acres of major circulation facilities on the project site. 

  • @UpzoneSoCal
  • @UpzoneSoCal

Richland Communities

Under the proposal, the RRSP, along with the General Plan and the site’s zoning classifications would be amended from its current land use of 355 Medium Density Residential (MDR) dwelling units, a 4.3-acre community park, two acres of pocket parks, and 52.8 acres of open space. 

The Riverside County Planning Department will hold a public scoping session on April 5, 2021 to address possible concerns about the proposal’s environmental impacts.