Details Emerge for a 280-Unit Residential Project in San Luis Obispo

by | Dec 7, 2020 | San Luis Obispo County

  • @UpzoneSoCal
  • @UpzoneSoCal

RRM Design Group

Last month the City of San Luis Obispo released an initial study of the environmental impact of a proposed 280-unit residential mixed-use project located at 600 Tank Farm Road in the southern portion of San Luis Obispo.

The 600 Tank Farm Project, proposed by Covelop Holding, Inc., would be sited on two parcels totaling 12.7 acres and is located about one mile north of the San Luis Obispo County Regional Airport within the Airport Area Specific Plan (AASP). The site is surrounded by the Damon-Garcia Sports Field to the north, undeveloped Chevron property to the west, Acacia Creek Open Space to the east, and Tank Farm Road to the south.

The residential product unit mix would consist of one-bedroom, two-bedroom, and three-bedroom units. The proposed project zoning would allow for up to 12,500 SF of commercial service/office space. The project would include a 2,250 square foot (SF) clubhouse with a 2,800 SF patio area. The clubhouse would contain meeting areas, an indoor game area, a common lounge, an administrative office area, and a community kitchen. The project will be designed by RRM Design Group.

  • @UpzoneSoCal
  • @UpzoneSoCal

City of San Luis Obispo

Balconies and outdoor activity areas would be located on the north and east faces of the buildings to mitigate noise interference from Tank Farm Road and the Regional Airport to the south.

An onsite Class I bike path will be provided, which will connect to the Damon Garcia Sports Fields to the north. A bridge will also connect the project to the 650 Tank Farm Road property that will support bike, pedestrian, and secondary emergency access. 

The project is planned to be constructed in two phases. Phase one would include the construction of 80 townhomes and 60 stacked flat (single-family condominium) dwelling units, completion of the bike path from Tank Farm to Damon Garcia Sports Park, and frontage improvements along Tank Farm Road. Phase two would include 60 townhome units, 40 stacked flat units, 40 mixed-use units, and the commercial/office space. 

Based on the initial assessment of the project proposal, the City will prepare an Environmental Impact Report for the Project.