62 Townhomes Could be Coming to San Diego County

by | Sep 9, 2020 | San Diego County

  • @UpzoneSoCal
  • @UpzoneSoCal

Eric R. Kough, AIA

On August 27th, the County of San Diego issued a notice of intent to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for a proposed residential project comprising of 62 attached condominium units located at Mimosa Avenue and Smilax Road just outside the city limits of San Marcos in North San Diego County. 

The Smilax Townhome project, proposed by KB Homes, includes a General Plan Amendment which would change the Land Use Designation from Village Residential (VR-2) to Village Residential (VR-15), a Rezone from Rural Residential (RR) to Multi-Family Residential (RM), and building type “C” to “K” to allow for multi-dwelling units.

A single-family residence and several associated accessory structures currently exist on the project site and would be demolished to make way for the project.

  • @UpzoneSoCal
  • @UpzoneSoCal

Howard Associates Landscape Architecture

Eric R. Kough, the project architect, will design the townhomes in a Spanish style with a concrete tile roof and a stucco finish, among other design elements. 

Each detached condominium unit will contain two parking spaces, as well as two electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. Additionally, 19 parking spaces will be located on an adjacent recreational area. 

Access to the site would be provided by a 24-foot wide private street connecting to Smilax Road and gated secondary emergency access connected to Poinsetta Avenue. The project site is directly surrounded by other residential uses and an elementary school. 

The public review period for the Smilax project is open until October 12, 2020.