32 New Homes Proposed for the City of Orange

by | Aug 17, 2020 | Orange County

  • @UpzoneSoCal
  • @UpzoneSoCal

KTGY Architecture + Planning

A proposed 32-unit residential development project is scheduled to be considered by the Orange Design Review Committee next month according to a recent notice of intent. 

The project, proposed by Mr. David Cohen, would demolish existing commercial/retail buildings and surface parking areas to accommodate the proposed project. 

Located at 1997 N. Orange Olive Road, the Cohen Residential project would be two stories tall and feature an L-shaped footprint. Each unit will consist of three different floor plans, with units ranging in size from 1,891 to 2,050 square feet. The applicant will also include a total of 92 parking spaces and 19,535 square feet of common open space.

  • @UpzoneSoCal
  • @UpzoneSoCal

Studio PAD Landscape Architecture 

Designed by KTGY Architecture, each unit would feature variations in buildings and roof planes and combinations of hip and gable and tile roofs. According to the released CEQA document, each unit would also have a covered main entry, articulated windows, false upper balconies, and chimneys. Proposed building materials include concrete, stone, metal, stucco, wood, glass and would be high quality, durable, and resistant to damage, defacing, and weathering.

The applicant is requesting a Zone Change, Tentative Tract Map, Major Site Plan Review, Design Review, and an amendment to the Orange Olive Specific Plan, which was originally developed to accommodate a 25 unit detached residential development located one parcel to the north of the subject site. The amendment is proposed to expand the Orange Olive Specific Plan boundaries to incorporate the Cohen Residential project.