317 Homes Planned in the City of Redlands
City of Redlands
Last month, the City of Redlands released a Mitigated Negative Declaration environmental document for a proposal that consists of both land-use changes and the construction of 317 single-family dwellings.
The proposal by Meritage Homes plans to establish a new specific plan called Bergamot Specific Plan, which will be consistent with the existing general plan land use of Low-Density Residential.
The project will be comprised of three distinct neighborhoods. Neighborhood One is located on 12.19 acres and includes 53 traditional single-family homes on lots with a minimum size of 7,200 square feet. Neighborhood Two is located on 19.25 acres and includes 144 traditional single-family homes on lots with a minimum size of 3,500 sf. Neighborhood Three is located on 11.71 acres and includes 120 single-family motor court homes.
Huitt-Zollars, Inc
Individual home construction will proceed as project sales and absorption continues through to project completion. All grading, infrastructure, and home construction will be provided during one phase of construction.
Project amenities would include a new public park, private pedestrian paseo, and interior common areas. A City of Redlands public park is planned for the westerly portion of the project site, consisting of approximately 11.74 acres and will provide active recreational uses with both baseball/softball field and soccer fields.
Included in the public park will be a parking lot, picnic areas and other amenities.
The City of Redlands Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at a future noticed public meeting on July 27, 2021.