230-Unit Mixed-Use Project Planned in Culver City

by | Sep 18, 2020 | Los Angeles County

  • @UpzoneSoCal
  • @UpzoneSoCal

Architects Orange

On September 17, the Culver City Planning Department released a notice of intent to draft an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for a proposed 230-residential unit mixed-use project that would include office, retail, restaurant, and market uses located at 11111 Jefferson Boulevard in Culver City.

The project, proposed by a joint venture between 3MR Capital and The John Buck Company, would include 19 dwelling units affordable to very low-income households, up to 55,050 square feet (sf) of ground-floor retail area including a 38,600 sf market, 10,600 sf of restaurants, and 11,450 sf of second-floor office uses. The project would contain a total of 653 parking stalls provided in a subterranean parking lot and on the first and second floors of the building. 

A public park would be located in the northwest corner of the project, a public paseo area with an interior courtyard would be located adjacent to the ground floor retail area in the northeast section of the project, and an open-air courtyard would serve the residential units on the third story of the building.

  • @UpzoneSoCal
  • @UpzoneSoCal

Architects Orange

The proposal requests a demolition permit to demolish the existing three single-story commercial buildings and surface parking lot currently located on the 3.43-acre site. The project proposal is also requesting a General Plan Amendment, a Zoning Code Amendment, Adoption of a Comprehensive Plan for the Project, a Community Benefits Request, and a Density Bonus Request, among other approvals

The Project Site is located in the Studio Village neighborhood in the southern part of Culver City. It is surrounded by the Sunkist Park neighborhood, the Studio Village Shopping Center to the east, and the Blanco Park neighborhood to the southeast. 

The City determined that the proposal, as it currently stands, may have a significant impact on the environmental areas of air quality, cultural resources, energy, greenhouse gas emission, hazards and hazardous materials, land use and planning, noise, population and housing, public services, transportation, and tribal cultural resources, hence the need to prepare an EIR for the project.

Project construction would occur in one phase and is anticipated to commence as early as the second quarter of 2022 and be completed by the third quarter of 2024.